Team: The Pursuit of Poker Success (ORDER NOW!)

Team Members
Player Price Score Budget% Score%
Paul Volpe$61.0023130.5%29.96%
Jerry Wong$32.0018816%24.38%
Brian Rast$4.001312%16.99%
Dzmitry Urbanovich$1.001140.5%14.79%
Adam Owen$86.005043%6.49%
Georgios Sotiropoulos$1.00320.5%4.15%
Mike Gorodinsky$13.00136.5%1.69%
Connor Drinan$2.0091%1.17%
Niall Farrell*BONUS3BONUS0.39%
Team Information
Current Score: 771 points
Current Rank: 116th place

Indicates the score of a player EXCLUDING Event #2.