25KFantasy Player Profile

Patrik Antonius

Overall Rank Total Score Total Cashes Times Drafted
/ 471 2
Game Type Total Score Total Cashes

2024 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.
* Scores from Event 1 are Excluded from ODB Team Scores.
✗ Online Scores are for WSOP POY purposes only.

2024 Player Information

Team 2024 ODB Bonus Players
Score 0 points
Salary 0.00

2011 25KFantasy Scores

Event Place Score POY Points
No scores for this player have been recorded yet.

2011 Player Information

Team Team Vladimir Shchemelev
Score 0 points
Salary 5.00
Rank 106 / 106